Monday, October 29, 2018

My Favorite movie..

Hi again, today I will talk about my favorite movie, I really don’t have one, because I like all them, but how I have that choose one, I´m going choose “persuasion” , is an adaptation of book with the same name, written by Jane Austen.

I choose this movie because I considerate a good adaptation of the books and all the actors I love them, especially Ann that is the principal protagonist. The movie is about the tragic romance between  Anne and the general Wentworth, they fall in love when were very young, so the uncle of Anne decided break their relationship but the destiny want that they be together and finally they were be happy.
This movie I watched many time, is a piece of art, obviously the book is better but with respect movies, Persuasion is very good and romantic. 

Also I like other movies, for example loving Vincent (this movie is sublime), insidious (I and II, the others I considerate very bad), Spirit, Tarzan and many others, I couldn´t write all the movies that I like. The important is enjoy all movies.

Monday, October 22, 2018


If you ask me, what is my best holidays in all my life, I can´t answer you, because I think that all my holidays with my family and grandfathers are the best. Every summer, I and my family travel to the south of Chile, specifically we go to Talcahuano where live my grandfather, generally we stay in this place approximately 3 days or more, always we go to the beach tomé, is a beautiful place with delicious food. Then we go to a place near of Chillán, my other granma live in the country, I love go to the grandmother’s house, she have many animals for example, a horse, cows, etc.  Also she has a vineyard and many but many fruits.
Sometimes also we go to Pucón or Villarica, I remember that the first time I went to this place; I loved the abundant vegetation and the lake.
I hope that this summer, my family decides go to the north of country, for example Arica or places near of there.

Monday, October 8, 2018


I don’t have an only country that I like, because since I was younger my dream was to travel around the world, but if I had just one opportunity to travel, I would like to go to England, because this country was the cradle of many things, like art, science and many others, also it is the place where many scientific were born. I have to add that in this country lived very famous authors for example, Jane Austen (her books are the most kindness and romanticism pieces of art), Lord Byron, etc.   

If I had the opportunity to go, I would like to visit the big bag, the different parks, but sincerely I would like to go to towns of England because they are the scenario of many books that I read and that I love. Obviously I would stay some days in London and then go to the Boston; anyway I love everything about this country.

I really want to live in England but not in London, I prefer to live in the towns surrounding of Boston. For this reason I study very hard for someday I could live in another country or travel around the world (the second country that I would like to go is India).

The last blog :c

Well, I guess that this is the last blog that I will write this year (yeey), this blog is about my career and what things I would like cha...