Monday, October 22, 2018


If you ask me, what is my best holidays in all my life, I can´t answer you, because I think that all my holidays with my family and grandfathers are the best. Every summer, I and my family travel to the south of Chile, specifically we go to Talcahuano where live my grandfather, generally we stay in this place approximately 3 days or more, always we go to the beach tomé, is a beautiful place with delicious food. Then we go to a place near of Chillán, my other granma live in the country, I love go to the grandmother’s house, she have many animals for example, a horse, cows, etc.  Also she has a vineyard and many but many fruits.
Sometimes also we go to Pucón or Villarica, I remember that the first time I went to this place; I loved the abundant vegetation and the lake.
I hope that this summer, my family decides go to the north of country, for example Arica or places near of there.


The last blog :c

Well, I guess that this is the last blog that I will write this year (yeey), this blog is about my career and what things I would like cha...